Centro Polivalente Exilles


Exilles, Italy

The Multipurpose Center for Exilles in its form and its materiality tries to synthesize, by a method of revisiting, an architectural composition that defines an explicit descent from the language of Exilles. In fact, the blocks of rock that shape the walls and the losa roof of the proposed building are materials that pursue the intention to link grammatically with the symbolic buildings of the community of Exilles, and moreover local materials: the town hall and the chapel of San Rocco have this nature. But if you reach the fort of Exilles, you can see the rocky nature of this building.
The composition of the pitches, their different height and position, is justified by the desire to suggest the presence of different environments within the Multipurpose Center, but also to allow a rhythm and a reading of the complex by parts.




Samuel Quagliotto – Martina Tocco


Exilles, Italy


Centro Polivalente Exilles

Design year

August 2018




Competition entry


Comune di Exilles

Public Spaces